James Steward, M.D., Director of Hygiene
E. S. Hallett, Chief Engineer, Board of Education, St. Louis
OZONE - Indispensable Healing in U.S. Schools
During the influenza epidemic in St. Louis, the most critical and advanced cases were transferred to an open air school, which made for high percentage of mortality.
In one particular ward, experiments were made with (O3) Ozonized air on cases approaching or at the crises period of the diseases where patients were able to inhale at all, they WERE AT ONCE RELIEVED AND SUCCESSFULLY CARRIED OVER THE CRISIS.
(From the brink of death ... these patients began to recover due to the (O3) ozone air).
Two schools were then used for an experiment, one with (O3) Ozonized air and another with ordinary air. Both schools contained approximately the same number of rooms. The following cases of sickness were observed and tabulated:
Tonsilitis |
13 |
57 |
Sore Throat |
24 |
60 |
Colds |
46 |
64 |
Headache |
9 |
66 |
Stomachache |
0 |
25 |
Earache |
1 |
15 |
Toothache |
0 |
15 |
Indigestion |
0 |
9 |
Fever |
1 |
49 |
The Grippe |
0 |
6 |
Pneumonia |
0 |
4 |
Comparing the total days absent we find that in the school where (O3) Ozonized air was used, the school children were absent, due to the foregoing cases of sickness, 475 school days...
while in the school where ordinary air was circulated by means of the ordinary air ventilating system, the school children were absent a total of 1,098 school days.
* Thousands of lives would be saved every year if homes and schools were equipped with apparatus for the circulation of Ozone.
* Injected with the air of the building to the extent of one part of Ozone to one million parts of air, it effects approximately 100% purification.
* In five years that Ozone has been used in the Public Schools of St. Louis, TUBERCULOSIS CASES HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50%, ALSO OTHER DISEASES HAVE BEEN MATERIALLY REDUCED.
In "Report to National Warm Air, Heating and Ventilating Association"
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